Zhi +
19 - Mar 23 - E. Asian
TME Unlabeled Identity
Mostly likes or comments, DM contact preferred.
No DNI, I block as I see fit.
Overwhelming special interest in Ensemble Stars, dabbling in other things on the side. I enjoy media from both an English and Chinese perspective.
I mainly produce AKATSUKI with Souma in particular. Honorary mentions include Eden, Crazy:B, Yuzuru, Hiiro and Kaname. I don't have in-depth opinions on other characters, so please don't misinterpret it as hatred.
I don't enjoy Enstars just for ships, but I do appreciate them, especially rarepairs. Additionally, I have preferred character positions, though they won't be discussed publicly.
I test new names and pronouns from time to time. If you knew me by another name or a nickname, feel free to call me that.
My Discord is @samuraidol. Please DM an identifier such as your username when you add me.